
Richard Peddy is married and a father of three. He has lived in Tucson for over 40 years, and is co-owner of a business that builds and services fountains and custom water features. His home is overrun with three dogs and six cats; all were thrust upon him by different circumstances, but he likes them all( to varying degrees ). Richard has always been a closet writer, but started this blog at his computer, where he can see better.

39 Responses to About

  1. Carol Brandon says:

    Richard, you are hilarious!!

  2. Leslie Holz says:

    I’ll take an autographed copy of your first book. Loved your stories! Always knew there was more to you than meets the eye.

  3. joycedevivre says:

    Thanks for your time in visiting my page. I’ve clicked the Follow button so I can be updated of your new posts immediately. Godbless ! 🙂

  4. ccvoelkel says:

    yes… with a broad smile I worked my way through the writings… of course… a deep twinge of the heart here and there, especially on the son and daughter pieces. Thank you for wrapping words around the real life with humility and a sideways smirk. It would be an honor to pull some of these into the Devotional… truth is truth.

  5. nancy says:

    hey richard! wondering where you got the amazing photo of the birds flying as your header…
    thanks… nancy (you can see from my site why i would appreciate it…)

  6. Jacqueline says:

    “Richard has always been a closet writer, but started this blog at his computer, where he can see better.” Great line!

    • Yay! I thought so too; now I can leave it(thought about changing it). Visited your blog briefly; will send more time when things calm down. What kind of bucket list do you make when you’re(me, actually) broke?

  7. Bindu John says:

    I enjoy your style of writing, really hilarious!

  8. Joe DeGiorgio says:

    Great blog, excellent writing. Freshly Pressed does it right once in a while!

  9. Arizona girl says:

    What a fabulous writing style you have! I absolutely love reading! The post about Tucson drivers is great – I went to UA and can relate. I don’t have to deal with drivers so much now anymore – we moved to Germany and my main mode of transportation is a bicycle. Keep up the good work, and I’ll keep reading!!!

  10. Arizona girl says:

    Hello! I have nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, details of which can be found on my site: http://chanceofsun.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/for-me/. Hope you don’t mind – this is a nice way for me to say that I really enjoy reading your blog!


  11. Sarah Harris says:

    I think you do a fantastic job! I love your voice, it brings sunshine to my day so I nominated you for a Sunshine Award but I’d be totally surprised if it was your first!

  12. Subhan Zein says:


    It is so great to find another aspiring writer. You have done great things with your posts here, so keep penning and keep inspiring! I am sure the door will open for you one day. 🙂
    I have a joyful ride in your blog, and now I’d like to invite you to visit mine. Thank you and have a wonderful day, my friend! 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  13. societyred says:

    I’ve nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award! Thank you for your great work!

  14. MissMeddle says:

    Hi, Richard.
    Cheers 🙂

  15. onestreetshy says:

    I completely dig your writing. Glad to find you. Bravo bravo

  16. Arizona girl says:

    Hi! I just nominated you for the Very Inspirational Blogger Award! I’ve included a link to your site on my blog. You can accept and view the details at chanceofsun.wordpress.com.

  17. The about made me chuckle a few times! My three cats just happened upon me, and this professor just can’t take it! 😉

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